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Black Stars Bonuses: ‘We will pay within our means’ – Nii Lante

Sports Minister Nii Lante Vanderpuije has explained that it is not within his powers to slash or increase bonuses for players of the senior national team but his outfit will always approve requests within its means.

The issue of bonuses for the Black Stars has been a regular feature for discussions in the media circles for almost a year now and no tangible or concrete decision has been arrived on.

It is seen as one of the most sensitive issues of late and could make a substantive Minister lose his job or get reassigned if not properly taken care of.

Dr. Mustapha Ahmed is widely assumed to have suffered the fate as he was recently shown the exit as Sports Minister, judging from the cacophony that followed his moves to slash the Stars bonuses due to budget constraints.

In an interview with Nhyira FM, the new Minister said he is not responsible for determining how much should be paid to the Black Stars players.

“The Minister does not determine how much bonuses should be paid to the players.

“The Football Association bring in their request [budget] and we give them what we have. If we give them and through that they pay 10,000, 100,000 or 1 cedi, it’s their own cup of tea.

“..We can’t give what we don’t have.

“I can’t determine player bonuses for the GFA. If within their resources, they can pay such money as bonuses to the players, then it’s their own prerogative. They bring their budget, we approve what we can approve and then give it to them,” the former Sports commentator said.

The Minister also declared that players will no longer be paid in dollars but rather in cedis.

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