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‘Agbovi might have bought his FIFA badge’ – Hearts Board member

National Chapters Committee (NCC) Chairman and Board Member of Accra Hearts of Oak, Eric Barimah Atuahene has questioned the neutrality and qualities of experienced referee William Agbovi.

Barimah Atuahene claims they have been cheated and denied victories in certain matches in the past by the respected FIFA badge holder.

Hearts drew goalless with Ebusua Dwarfs on match day three last Sunday but Atuahene believes they suffered from referee Agbovi’s bad calls.

“Seriously, Agbovi’s display at the Robert Mensah Stadium has made me cast doubt about his FIFA badge. I probably think he might have bought it but not earned it through hard work because a FIFA referee cannot referee like this,” he said in an interview with Kessben FM.

“I don’t blame him but rather the system because expedite actions are not taken as quickly as possible when such incidents occur. Unlike the EPL where decisions are taken without delay and made clear for everyone to see. It is only in Ghana you will have a referee’s Committee Chairman defending them.”

He again made a serious allegations that he prevented them from winning last year’s encounter against Aduana FC and was prior to the match, dead sure that things were not going to end well for the Phobia family last week.

“Agbovi made sure we lose last year’s game against Aduana in Dormaa. That was my first time I saw a referee smiling and running to the centre when the goal was scored.

“I told Odotey Sowah on our way to Cape Coast that with Agbovi at the centre, victory isn’t assured because he did same sometime ago at Abrankese.

“People have been touting him as Hearts of Oak fan, something I strongly disagree to. He is a very controversial referee.”

This will be the second major complain about a centre referee this season. Kotoko’s Coach David Duncan vehemently showed his displeasure over Prosper Addi’s first half performance when they played Medeama last week Sunday.

Hearts of Oak’s game against Bechem United this Sunday will be officiated by Patrick K. Kyeremateng who will have Safo Adade and Frank Bossman as assistants.  Justice A. Poku will be the 4th referee whiles Wilfred Kwaku Osei takes the Match Commissioner role on the day.

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