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STEP ASIDE DIRECTIVE: Duncan’s lawyer writes to Kotoko

The Asante Kotoko management has confirmed receiving a letter from the legal representative for estranged head coach, David Duncan over the “step aside” directive given to his client.

The club has acknowledged receipt of the letter signed by lawyer Emmanuel Larbi Amoah but “refused to divulge contents of the letter at this time”.

Dated Monday, April 4, 2016, the letter is in direct response to Kotoko’s earlier letter to the coach asking him to “step aside” until further notice following the unimpressive results by the team.

According to Kotoko’s Communications Manager, Kwaku Ahenkorah, “management would respond at the appropriate time.”

Follow’s coverage of the trending Duncan vs. Kotoko episode so far:

BREAKING: Duncan steps aside; Michael Osei takes over as interim Kotoko coach

“There’s nothing like step aside in my contract” – Duncan fights back

DRAMA: ‘Frozen’ Duncan shows up at Kotoko training without players

“Stadium is for matches, not everyday training” – NSA warns Kotoko



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