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Roger De Sa praise for defender Lawrence Lartey

Ajax Cape Town coach Roger De Sa feels new Ghanaian defender Lawrence Lartey is a major coop for the Cape side, though he is till eyeing further replacements at the back. 

The Urban Warriors confirmed the new signing last month, having first eyed the former Ashanti Gold defender while Muhsin Ertugral was still in charge, and De Sa feels he will be a “massive” addition to the Ajax squad, especially ahead of next year’s travels through Africa.

“It’s taken two years really, but we are glad to have him,” De Sa said. “I think he’s a massive addition to our team. He comes in in an area where we probably do need cover and he’s got the experience to take us into Africa next year as well, which we need.”

De Sa is impressed with what he’s seen in the 22-year-old so far, but says he is still eyeing further reinforcements at the back.

“He’s young, but has a lot of leadership qualities,” he says. “He’s captained the national U-20 and U-23 sides of Ghana, and played in the Ghanaian national team as well.

“He’s adapted to our style of play – not just our style, but the South African style of play which is a bit different. He’s enjoying it our here, he’s a good professional and still a young boy, but I find with every training session he steps up a little bit and he improves each time.

“You’d probably find he’s not as big as you would expect for a centre-back, but he fits the Ajax mould pretty well.

“Though we think we still need someone a bit more physical at the back, I’m sure he’ll fit in very comfortably.”

Ajax are still awaiting the Lartey’s work permit, with the defender set to be immediately available thereafter.

“As soon as he has his work permit, he’ll definitely be illegible to make the squad, and will be knocking on the door straight away,” De Sa says.


Source: KickOff

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